World's Most Mysterious Picture: Mona Lisa

A beautiful and attractive painting of Mona Lisa is kept in Louvre museum of Paris. Separate room is built, humidity and temperature is maintained so that the painting is not spoiled and this painting is placed behind the bullet proof glass.

Leonardo da Vinci
Born in 1452 in vinci town Tuscany. Leonardo was the illegitimate son of his father that's why his name was Leonardo da Vinci. He started working in Verrocchio studio at age of 14. His teacher Verrocchio trained him and he started making paintings. He was a nature lover as his paintings contains nature's depiction and illustrations. Vinci used to say that science and art is complementary, he used to show the science behind his art. Vinci was such an amazing visionary that he merged to different departments together.

The Mona Lisa or La gioconda is a half-length portrait painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Vinci that has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world". it is half length as its first session was completed in 1506 and thereafter he extended it till 1519 and still it was not completed.

Speculation about Mona Lisa
Earlier it was said that Mona Lisa is none other than Vinci, who has represented herself as a woman. But in 2005 a letter was found which is the most accepted fact about Mona Lisa " the painting is the thought to be a portrait of Lisa gherardini, the wife of Francesco del giocondo". It had been believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506, however Leonardo may have continued working on it as late as 1517.

But there is neither single evidence to handover the painting to the Giocondo family nor the proof of payment was found, which simply means that the painting was not fully completed or it may be that Vinci does not want to give this painting as he may want to tell something. this painting was not made with pen or pencil but with the 40 micron brush and a technique was a suo-moto technique (without outline). It is really very difficult to make a such an amazing painting without outline but it was Leonardo who did this.

Mysterious facts
It is that or if you look at it yourself, it would be known that Mona Lisa's smile looks different from every angle. When you closely observe this painting you will find that Mona Lisa looks very sad. Dutch researchers said that she looks 83% happy, 9% disgusting, 6% fearful, 2% angry, 1% neutral and 0% surprised.

Mona Lisa was also called prostitute because she did not have eyebrows but later Pascal cotte (scientist) studied this painting with the help of high spectral light and found that she had eyebrows, but it has been 500 years, so while cleaning, it become completely blurred. So it was denied that she was prostitute.

Some researchers said that the way she has kept the other hand on the top of her one hand it seems that she was pregnant but this all is speculations only. Lonardo da Vinci had created and aerial prospective (when you keep distancing from painting, the contrast of painting will change) painting in which novel other than Mona Lisa is visible.

Looking at its landscape it is also very difficult to tell korma where did Vinci make this painting. Some said it was made in Tuscany hills but this is also not certain. when you see this painting by ups and downs, different animals will also be seen in it. Does Vinci wants to show us the love of nature or have he tried to show how science and art are related.

When each layer of this painting was found in her eyes were some of which rumad letters are a complete message in Italian  " La Risposta So Trova Qui" which means the answer is here. Silvono vinceti claims he has found the letter "S" in her left eye and letter "L" in her right eye and the number "72" under the arched bridge in the backdrop of Leonardo da Vinci's famous paintings. But later scientist said that it was just a coincidence because cracks have been developed as it it is a 500 year old painting.

It is also possible that Vinci has painted it without thinking anything. What we do, whenever a genius is giving whether his general views, we extract 100 angles of it, because we think that he is a genius and must have done something by thinking or there must be some logic behind this. And it could also be that we are unnecessarily putting our mind in it, might it Should be a normal painting.


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