11 Important Diet Tips In Quarantine

We all keep going out for some work everyday, but as quarantine is going on, it has reduced are going out. Staying at home full time and doing no physical exercise, affecting our health. keeping these things in mind, we need some changes in our diet, so that our health is not going to affect. Specially of those, who are doing work from home.

  • Drink as much water water as possible to keep your body hydrate.
  • Do not include too much oil, spices and sweet in the diet.
  • Include dry fruits such as almond, walnut and peanuts in your diet.
  • Include lentils, sprouted grains and beans in your diet.

  • Chew your food very well to make it easier to digest.
  • Take your three meals everyday
  • For protein-rich diet, pulse, beans as well as milk, curd or whey must be consumed.
  • Do not allow vitamin D deficiency in your body.
  • Must add green vegetables, salads and fruits in your diet.
  • Reduce your intake of tea and coffee or reduce the amount of sugar in it.
  • At this time, it is important that your immune system is boosted, avoid junk food also.

No matter what the work is, stress is obvious. But avoid stress as much as possible because it is harmful to your health.


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